Monday, December 22, 2014

Finding Typefaces Near Me

This typeface is script because all the letters connect. This specific typeface is for advertising and this can be used for all Lush products. The specific typeface was appropriate for advertising. Specifically, 
for advertising cosmetics like lotion, bath products etc. 

The typeface of "Poland Spring" is really funky therefore I think this can be fringe typefaces due to the different designs of each letter, like the P in "Poland"and the "g" is also different. This typeface brings the customers attention; big, bright, and bold. It's also outlined in green so it stands out more. And I feel that it is appropriate however I feel like the proportions were all different it was too much for me. 

The typeface in "Biology" is all capitalized and has serifs therefore I believe it's slab serif the serifs are not slanted they're straight. This typeface can be found in more professional use like a school textbook. It is appropriate for students to see and it's not very distracting, it's very simple and can be used for professionalism. 

Similar to the above typeface it's also slab serifs due to the straight serifs. Wells Fargo is a bank so their typeface should be professional and eye-catching for clients or customers could see. San serifs typefaces can be found anywhere where it is both professional and advertising that is appropriate for both uses. 

I think this is a decorative typeface because the letters are unique where it doesn't have one constant style. The customer can easily tell that the "K" in "Skim" is more unique from all the other letters. I think it's appropriate for the customers and buyers because the letters are eye-catching. The typeface is appropriate for advertising. You can probably find this everywhere around you local grocery stores. 

This is similar to the first typeface we looked at which is script because the letters all connect. This is also appropriate for customers and business because it's for advertising. The script catches peoples' attention which is great for businesses. Although the typeface is script, its easy to read and is simple. These simple but engaging and elegant typeface can be found in all department stores, outlets, and grocery stores. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

A typeface that represents me...

I think this typeface represents me for most days because if you know me well, I am usually crazy, bubbly, hilarious, and positive. I like to make people laugh and smile a lot and I feel like the size of each letter are different and I feel like I have so many emotions jumbled up inside of me that each letter represents me and each letter has some craziness added on to it. The name of the type face represents me because "skater girls" are usually adventurous and I love hanging out with my friends and family  and going to wild places. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Concept Board for Vocal Club Logo Design

Vocal Club at Millennium High School

Hello Everyone!

I am currently working on a project called the Logo Design Project where I have to create a logo design for a club or an after school activity. I chose vocal club so here is a brief summary of vocal club.


Vocal Club was founded by a sophomore in high school but was lead and taught by a former senior from Millennium High School that now goes to FIT. She taught them vocal warm-ups from a vocal warm up sounding like an old man to a an ambulance siren. The highlight of each vocal club session are the solos they constantly do in every session. Interestingly, they have different themes for different weeks for example, Christmas week or Disney week. These themes help them choose songs they would sing like during Disney week you sing Disney songs from broadway plays or even disney movies. Vocal Club is now in their second year anniversary. Nothing special just more and more themes. Their current leaders are now the seniors in Millennium; Kate, Cody, and Annisaa (myself). Along with the facilitator of the group which is a Spanish Teacher at Millennium, Ms. Tyldesley. Not only do they do solo performances but they also have rhythm, duets, and sing-alongs!

Interview with Kate:
Questions and Answers:

1)What's one thing you would like to include in a logo?

     A music note

2) What's the best part of vocal club?

     Getting to do what you want to do along with the support.

3) What's the emotions you have when your in vocal club?

     Fear, joy, and excitement.

4) What represents vocal club?

     Microphone, lyrics, people.

5) Do you recommend people to go to vocal club?

     Yes, if they like singing they definitely should!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Logo Designs

I found this to be my favorite design because it's yet so simple and recognizable. It's also really clever on how their company is called Apple and they just use a simple apple for their logo. The first apple logo was a colorful logo but as time passed logos became more modern and more tech. After the new updated logo design of a glowing white or silver apple, their technology also became modern and most of its colors were simple colors like silver and white or even black. Apple is now known as a brand mark.

I found this logo design really cute because the company decided to have a letter to represent an animal from the antarctic. The typeface is really simple too! Simple is cute is a nice combination. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Portrait Transformation Project

Before Photoshop: 

After Photoshop: 

Concept: I just wanted to be silly and do cool transformation to a human and dinosaur fossil head. Perhaps the concept would be how wild my friend is and she makes time worth it. She is an adventurous and brave girl who is not afraid to do anything. She also has a bucket list so maybe the fossil head can represent that she will be adventurous to finish up and check off everything off her list before she dies. Wooh! Tbh I didn't really know where I was going with this. Haha! :D

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Water Gif and Reflection

Water Gif: 
The symbol of this gif symbolizes how in society today we don't take our clean and pure water for granted and how we don't take in consideration on how we are putting our wastes in our 1% clean water. It brings awareness that people in our society should take care and love their water, before it gets too late, before the water is all gone. Water is essential to you and the other organisms around you so try to change your water routines. One small change is the first step to a bigger change.

The most frustrating aspect of making this gif was the color difference in all the layers and frames because it was hard to portray the difference between clean and dirty water, full of chemicals and substances that are not supposed to be in our water. At first I thought I should use a bright blue for clean water by as I went on making the other layers, it was hard for me to figure out the process to show dirty water.

The most difficult part was trying to find smooth transitions that shows the difference of the water as the gif goes on. Tweening the gif was a challenge because after I tweened it, it looked a little awkward because as the water levels were decreasing the cup or glass was disappearing. So I had to go back up delete all the frames and retween. However, the tweeing wasn't the problem the amount of tweening and the opacity was the problem. My opacity for the tweening was 50% which caused the cup disappearing. Along with the opacity, not everything had to be tweened, I figured that only the water transitions had to be tweened. And that is how I solved the whole transitioning problem.

The tools that I feel the most comfortable with a few tools such as; the marquee tool, the lasso tool, the paint brush tool, the paint bucket tool just because I used those tools the most. However, I don't feel comfortable with the gradient tool which I  feel like that if I knew how to use the gradient tool the project would be completely different with actual clear water transitioning to brown water as well as a 3D shape glass or cup. That would be one thing I would change if I were to redo this project.

I would like to create more gifs and get to know photoshop more to be more familiar with all the other different tools. And also transform images to different images would be cool to.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

My First Gif

Tabasco falling! Don't worry there might be better Gifts coming soon!

I was just having breakfast and they served mini Tabasco bottles so I decided to make this!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Michael Johnson Concept Board


Michael Johnson had a rough time during his early stages of being a designer for example, he was “bullied” while working for Wolff Olins, and after he got back up on his knees and founded a design studio that created brands for huge companies such as virgin atlantic, museums, and even bands like the The Beatles. So I really loved how even though he did have a rough time in his life he ignored what people said and kept striving for his goals. He really impacted society because it helped society create brands as well advertise them everywhere around the world. It also helped individuals to strive until they achieve your goals.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Good Advertisement

There are many advertisements in America and even in the world, from billboards to a piece of candy wrapper. But what does good advertisements look like? Well what are some of the qualities of a good Ad?

Here are some of the good qualities of an Ad:
- Eye catching
- Color contrast
- Words or phrases
- Known
- Gives out a message.

Above is an example of good advertising I found in the subway station at the 4 or 5 station in Bowling Green. I find this good advertising because the brand, "Samsung" is really popular, a popular phone brand and so therefore, it is known to the country and world on what their specific logo is, in consideration to their font. The slogan, "Do you note?" is really catchy because they incorporated the device name into their slogan. It also tells a message about a new device and it gives us a glimpse of it, which is meaningful because it informs the audience about their new technology. Which not only makes it a good Ad but a successful one too! 

Friday, October 3, 2014

My Playwriting Inspiration

As I have told you before in my posts about my interests of playwriting one of my inspirations is William Shakespeare plays: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Midsummer's Night Dream, and Othello. Those are just my favorites.

My favorite quotes are: 

"Everyone has their fate and the more people try to avoid it, the more trouble they get into." (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet)

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love..." (Shakespeare, Hamlet)  

I was inspired by Shakespeare since 8th grade, however I started my passion of playwriting in ninth grade. Due to my playwriting program called 3Thursdays which is an amazing program where you have the freedom to write about anything. And after I finish writing they performed it with professional actors.

One of my favorite plays I wrote was inspired by Shakespeare because I based it off of Romeo and Juliet but its more of a modern version due to the different religion of Christianity and Islam. However, I also incorporated more modern themes and social issues.

One of the reasons why Shakespeare inspire me is because I realize his work is so popular and so unique in different ways that its really interesting to try to recreate a play where it can be based off his idea. However when using his ideas you try to go on other paths because you can alter plays however you like. Which is one of the reason why I love writing in general especially playwriting.

The reason playwriting is the right style of writing for me is because I love how the formatting can be varied in different ways such as the Shakespeare how the character's name is on the left side or how its formatted now; character's name written in the center of a line.

Shakespeare's plays are always inspiring to so many different people, and its all awe-inspiring in many ways like how I started to incorporate similar ideas to my play. Or just how unique and tragic his plays usually are which is why I love Shakespeare' outstanding themes, ideas, and plots.

Letter Project Reflection

In my letter art project, I chose the letter "S" because my last name, Sularno, starts with the letter S and I felt like my surname is really meaningful to me because my dad side of the family including my extended family have similar surnames for example, my cousin's family has the surname of Suharno and my other cousin's name is Sunarno. And so I decided to incorporate family and memories and so I thought I hard while I was brainstorming.

Finally, I decided to choose my childhood memories to base off my art project. After brainstorming thumbnail sketches, I choose two of my favorite designs. One of my favorites was where I decided to draw a playground theme. And the other design I chose was a design based on the theme of school and hardworking. However, during the process of drawing our rough drafts I chose the playground theme because I felt it was much easier and more fun to draw with all the colors.

Within that playground theme I choose the most important essentials for a playground, for example, slides, monkey bars, and swings. Before I drew the playground essentials, I drew grass around the "S" on both sides and I decided to color it with different shades of green and drew a line of the "S" with dark brown color pencil. (All of the materials I used is color pencils and pencil for my first draft) After I drew all the grasses I drew all the playground essentials with a variety of colors to make it pop and be really child-like.  

I felt that this process was really helpful especially when I had to brainstorm different themes and ideas that deal with "S". I also like how at first it was really hard to decide which design to choose. So Ms. Lee solved that by choosing two ideas and drawing them bigger. And that was how I chose which design to finalize.

Which looks like this: (This draft was first drawn by pencil then colored by color pencils)

One of the struggles I had during this process was having to draw the different playground essentials as well as deciding the colors to choose for it. This is because there was a lot of parts to it, for example, the  slide had the rooftop, the bars, the stairs, and the actual slide itself. Also when looking at all the examples of slides from google it was hard to agree to which colors or designs to use therefore, I just went to my childhood and imagine the playground there.

I am actually very satisfied with my project however, one thing I would change is making the "S" larger and the park essentials also larger to make it pop more. Also when making my park essentials bigger I would make the children I placed in the playground bigger with a lot more details.

This is my final draft: 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

About the Blogger (The Preface)

Hello internet world! Welcome to my blog posts! You will see many blogs about my adventures of being me. And I will try to post every Fridays if not earlier :)

So my name is Annisaa Sularno and I am a 17 year old Senior in Millennium High School (as you know was mentioned from my previous blog). Millennium is a really small high school located in downtown Manhattan, near the lovely and beautiful, battery park. And I will always say yes to grab a bite to go either from Yips, Subways, Halal Food, Cosi, and Hale and Heartys and cross the street to Battery Park on to the grass and just enjoy the afternoon eating my scrumptious lunch.

Some of my hobbies are playwriting, go skating, playing volleyball, badminton, and ping pong. I also love singing, acting, and most of all going on wild adventures with my friends and family. And I bet there are a lot more hobbies that I didn't mention, but I just can't think of any of them right now.

I come from an Indonesian background, my parents were both born in Indonesia which is located in Southeast Asia. I have been there a bunch of times visiting my huge family there as well as sightseeing to many beaches including exploring at a volcano (and yes I said volcano, and I was terrified, however had so much fun). Anyways, I love visiting my huge family back in Indo. (short for Indonesia) (And don't worry I will inform you guys my exploration in Indo in another blog).

Hmmm... So do you ask my about my favorite shows, well I have a variety. I'll list a few for now: Walking Dead, Switched At Birth, The Fosters, The Voice, Red Band Society, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Degrassi, Pretty Little Liars, and so on ( and yes I will try to write some blogs about these awesome shows and probably I will start on my all time fav, Walking Dead. haha)

Not only do I love television but I also love social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, YOUTUBE! Haha! And I am that obsessed that I will be attending Playlist Live this year in New Jersey.  (I will also write about this in the future) What about music you say? Yes, I love all kinds of music from country to rap. But I would have to say my favorite artists are; Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, Jason Derelo, Taylor Swift, and yes even One Direction and some other boy bands. By telling from the list of artist I has't given you, you could probably tell that I love pop the most.

Moving on, what you will see in the blog is all sorts of chapters of my life. And I have previously above told you what I will surely inform you guys about later on in this blogging experience. So tune in next friday! You never know what's coming!

By the way, don't know what I look like? Here, this is me:

Thanks for Reading! Ciao for now! <3

Friday, September 12, 2014

A Senior in High School? What?

      I am creating this blog not because my graphic design teacher has't told me to, but I want to write about my life, my last months of high school. I still can't believe that I am a senior. The word senior, not a senior citizen...yet, ha, just hits me in the head telling me that I'm growing up. I felt like I just graduated middle school a few days ago! Like I am 17 that's just wild because I still feel like a child. Ha, did anyone notice? Because I just rhymed! Awesomeness! (See what I'm saying a child in the inside and maybe outside too)
      Anyways, along with being a senior it has always been stressful and overwhelming applying to colleges/universities, retaking the SATs, college essays, college applications, interviews, and loads more coming my way. Even though it might seem stressful, I'm just thankful for making this through because many children don't have the enough support to continue their education. I'm just thankful to have such a great family and a great group of friends that support me all the way through. They're like my posse!
      Well speaking of posse, I applied to a scholarship called Posse during the end of last year and I am proud to say that I have gotten to the second round of the Posse process, which is literally amazing! So thank you Posse for taking me to the next round! However, if I don't get into Posse, there are always other scholarships I could apply to.
      But some of my hopes during this whole college process is to get into the best and fittest college for me and I hope I pursue what I hope to dream of being. I also hope to get the full college experience in the next four years of my life along with living life to the fullest. Always take risks (but not dangerous ones) and believe in myself because if other successful students can do it than I can too! Just dream and believe and do what you can to make them come true (ha, rhymed again!).

Thanks for reading! Ciao for now! <3