Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Water Gif and Reflection

Water Gif: 
The symbol of this gif symbolizes how in society today we don't take our clean and pure water for granted and how we don't take in consideration on how we are putting our wastes in our 1% clean water. It brings awareness that people in our society should take care and love their water, before it gets too late, before the water is all gone. Water is essential to you and the other organisms around you so try to change your water routines. One small change is the first step to a bigger change.

The most frustrating aspect of making this gif was the color difference in all the layers and frames because it was hard to portray the difference between clean and dirty water, full of chemicals and substances that are not supposed to be in our water. At first I thought I should use a bright blue for clean water by as I went on making the other layers, it was hard for me to figure out the process to show dirty water.

The most difficult part was trying to find smooth transitions that shows the difference of the water as the gif goes on. Tweening the gif was a challenge because after I tweened it, it looked a little awkward because as the water levels were decreasing the cup or glass was disappearing. So I had to go back up delete all the frames and retween. However, the tweeing wasn't the problem the amount of tweening and the opacity was the problem. My opacity for the tweening was 50% which caused the cup disappearing. Along with the opacity, not everything had to be tweened, I figured that only the water transitions had to be tweened. And that is how I solved the whole transitioning problem.

The tools that I feel the most comfortable with a few tools such as; the marquee tool, the lasso tool, the paint brush tool, the paint bucket tool just because I used those tools the most. However, I don't feel comfortable with the gradient tool which I  feel like that if I knew how to use the gradient tool the project would be completely different with actual clear water transitioning to brown water as well as a 3D shape glass or cup. That would be one thing I would change if I were to redo this project.

I would like to create more gifs and get to know photoshop more to be more familiar with all the other different tools. And also transform images to different images would be cool to.


  1. I like how the water goes from a clear, vibrant blue, to a dull, "dirty" blue.

  2. I like the way how you transition from the shape to your concept. I feel the transition is very smooth. The concept is very clear.
