Thursday, December 18, 2014

Vocal Club at Millennium High School

Hello Everyone!

I am currently working on a project called the Logo Design Project where I have to create a logo design for a club or an after school activity. I chose vocal club so here is a brief summary of vocal club.


Vocal Club was founded by a sophomore in high school but was lead and taught by a former senior from Millennium High School that now goes to FIT. She taught them vocal warm-ups from a vocal warm up sounding like an old man to a an ambulance siren. The highlight of each vocal club session are the solos they constantly do in every session. Interestingly, they have different themes for different weeks for example, Christmas week or Disney week. These themes help them choose songs they would sing like during Disney week you sing Disney songs from broadway plays or even disney movies. Vocal Club is now in their second year anniversary. Nothing special just more and more themes. Their current leaders are now the seniors in Millennium; Kate, Cody, and Annisaa (myself). Along with the facilitator of the group which is a Spanish Teacher at Millennium, Ms. Tyldesley. Not only do they do solo performances but they also have rhythm, duets, and sing-alongs!

Interview with Kate:
Questions and Answers:

1)What's one thing you would like to include in a logo?

     A music note

2) What's the best part of vocal club?

     Getting to do what you want to do along with the support.

3) What's the emotions you have when your in vocal club?

     Fear, joy, and excitement.

4) What represents vocal club?

     Microphone, lyrics, people.

5) Do you recommend people to go to vocal club?

     Yes, if they like singing they definitely should!

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