Sunday, October 26, 2014

My First Gif

Tabasco falling! Don't worry there might be better Gifts coming soon!

I was just having breakfast and they served mini Tabasco bottles so I decided to make this!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Michael Johnson Concept Board


Michael Johnson had a rough time during his early stages of being a designer for example, he was “bullied” while working for Wolff Olins, and after he got back up on his knees and founded a design studio that created brands for huge companies such as virgin atlantic, museums, and even bands like the The Beatles. So I really loved how even though he did have a rough time in his life he ignored what people said and kept striving for his goals. He really impacted society because it helped society create brands as well advertise them everywhere around the world. It also helped individuals to strive until they achieve your goals.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Good Advertisement

There are many advertisements in America and even in the world, from billboards to a piece of candy wrapper. But what does good advertisements look like? Well what are some of the qualities of a good Ad?

Here are some of the good qualities of an Ad:
- Eye catching
- Color contrast
- Words or phrases
- Known
- Gives out a message.

Above is an example of good advertising I found in the subway station at the 4 or 5 station in Bowling Green. I find this good advertising because the brand, "Samsung" is really popular, a popular phone brand and so therefore, it is known to the country and world on what their specific logo is, in consideration to their font. The slogan, "Do you note?" is really catchy because they incorporated the device name into their slogan. It also tells a message about a new device and it gives us a glimpse of it, which is meaningful because it informs the audience about their new technology. Which not only makes it a good Ad but a successful one too! 

Friday, October 3, 2014

My Playwriting Inspiration

As I have told you before in my posts about my interests of playwriting one of my inspirations is William Shakespeare plays: Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Midsummer's Night Dream, and Othello. Those are just my favorites.

My favorite quotes are: 

"Everyone has their fate and the more people try to avoid it, the more trouble they get into." (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet)

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love..." (Shakespeare, Hamlet)  

I was inspired by Shakespeare since 8th grade, however I started my passion of playwriting in ninth grade. Due to my playwriting program called 3Thursdays which is an amazing program where you have the freedom to write about anything. And after I finish writing they performed it with professional actors.

One of my favorite plays I wrote was inspired by Shakespeare because I based it off of Romeo and Juliet but its more of a modern version due to the different religion of Christianity and Islam. However, I also incorporated more modern themes and social issues.

One of the reasons why Shakespeare inspire me is because I realize his work is so popular and so unique in different ways that its really interesting to try to recreate a play where it can be based off his idea. However when using his ideas you try to go on other paths because you can alter plays however you like. Which is one of the reason why I love writing in general especially playwriting.

The reason playwriting is the right style of writing for me is because I love how the formatting can be varied in different ways such as the Shakespeare how the character's name is on the left side or how its formatted now; character's name written in the center of a line.

Shakespeare's plays are always inspiring to so many different people, and its all awe-inspiring in many ways like how I started to incorporate similar ideas to my play. Or just how unique and tragic his plays usually are which is why I love Shakespeare' outstanding themes, ideas, and plots.

Letter Project Reflection

In my letter art project, I chose the letter "S" because my last name, Sularno, starts with the letter S and I felt like my surname is really meaningful to me because my dad side of the family including my extended family have similar surnames for example, my cousin's family has the surname of Suharno and my other cousin's name is Sunarno. And so I decided to incorporate family and memories and so I thought I hard while I was brainstorming.

Finally, I decided to choose my childhood memories to base off my art project. After brainstorming thumbnail sketches, I choose two of my favorite designs. One of my favorites was where I decided to draw a playground theme. And the other design I chose was a design based on the theme of school and hardworking. However, during the process of drawing our rough drafts I chose the playground theme because I felt it was much easier and more fun to draw with all the colors.

Within that playground theme I choose the most important essentials for a playground, for example, slides, monkey bars, and swings. Before I drew the playground essentials, I drew grass around the "S" on both sides and I decided to color it with different shades of green and drew a line of the "S" with dark brown color pencil. (All of the materials I used is color pencils and pencil for my first draft) After I drew all the grasses I drew all the playground essentials with a variety of colors to make it pop and be really child-like.  

I felt that this process was really helpful especially when I had to brainstorm different themes and ideas that deal with "S". I also like how at first it was really hard to decide which design to choose. So Ms. Lee solved that by choosing two ideas and drawing them bigger. And that was how I chose which design to finalize.

Which looks like this: (This draft was first drawn by pencil then colored by color pencils)

One of the struggles I had during this process was having to draw the different playground essentials as well as deciding the colors to choose for it. This is because there was a lot of parts to it, for example, the  slide had the rooftop, the bars, the stairs, and the actual slide itself. Also when looking at all the examples of slides from google it was hard to agree to which colors or designs to use therefore, I just went to my childhood and imagine the playground there.

I am actually very satisfied with my project however, one thing I would change is making the "S" larger and the park essentials also larger to make it pop more. Also when making my park essentials bigger I would make the children I placed in the playground bigger with a lot more details.

This is my final draft: