Wednesday, April 29, 2015

An Experience of Micro Aggression

Everyone had at least experienced a micro aggression moment in their life. According to Google, "Microaggressions are the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group" 

There were many micro aggression experiences I had in both middle school and high school and probably I would have a few in college too and I wouldn't be surprised or shocked because I've got used to it. 

There was one moment in middle school where my class were all playing a type of soccer game and when it was my turn to go I was being my usual self playing soccer and kicking the ball and one of the students shouted, "Let's go Pocahontas!" and I felt a bit offended. But I knew it was a joke but I took it a bit to an offense. 

Also there are many experience where people asked where I'm from and before I would answer they would automatically assume, Indian. But when I said Indonesian they were like what is that? When I explained they would be surprised. And so yeah I would have a small feeling that it would happen in college. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Why I Love my Darling Family

Many, many years ago my mother and my father gave life to me in 1997 and a few years later after I was born, I would always have trouble eating. I didn't remember anything but every year on my birthday I would hear the same stories over and over again.

When I was around 18 months old I was told that I wouldn't eat a thing. After my family would eat a meal my mom, aunt, and uncle would hold me down by the hands and feet and my mom would force a spoonful of mashed rice, chicken, and veggies into my mouth into my stomach. When I was two years of age, the doctors supplied me with an alternative or what my parents would call a solution to get me to eat. The solution was to get a tube into my nose and every night my mom would fill up my bag transfusion with Pediasure (a toddler's brand milk) and that's how I would get nutrients flowing in my body but I would still be forced food into my mouth.

My parents would try everything from taking me to the park, to the gardens, everyone was trying so hard to keep me healthy. Even the neighbors in my building would suggest ideas for feeding me. Most of the solutions people recommended was not to force me to eat and they knew for sure that I would eat when I get hungry. However, I guess my parents and my family got too concerned about my health that my parents would hold me down to eat just one spoonful of food. My parents also felt embarrassed when my family went out to go to social events with family friends so they would take out the tube out of my nose and dress like a normal toddler.

This changed my life because I realized that everyone loved me and cared for me when I was little and even now. It taught me to be a friendly, nice, and kind person like my parents and it taught me how to respect and treat everyone nicely. this moment in life made me who I am today a person who cares, loves, and respects everyone well especially my family and friends. So thanks to my family and friends for doing everything you can to make me me.